Your Mindset, Your Choice

Allie Avatar

Ever wake up in a bad mood? Ever let a situation influence your mood for the day? Ever over-react to something that happened that was outside of your control? Ever catastrophize over a super minor inconvenience and let is seep into your communication, energy, and outlook for the day?

No? Just me? Come on, I know I am not alone. Let’s dive in!

As much as we would like to blame our crappy attitude and mindset on unfortunate situations and circumstances, the way we react and the outlook we choose is controllable. You’ll notice I said “choose” – it is absolutely a choice, and you have to own it.

Picture this. It’s Monday morning. You wake up at 6 AM. Everything is smooth sailing – you wake up on time, get ready on time, and by the way, you’re having a stellar hair day (IYKYK!) You get into your car and head to work. On your way to work, before you even reach the interstate, an asshole in front of you didn’t use his turning signal (what even are those things?!), which in turn makes you slam on your brakes to avoid rear-ending him while you are taking a sip of your coffee which spills all over yourself – OY VEY! Did I forgot to mention you are wearing your new white blouse for the first time? OH, and silly you, you forgot to tighten your travel mug, so of course, the entire mug of coffee is now on your shirt and pants. Awesomeeeeeeeeee! Well played, Monday.

You can’t control the fact that people don’t know how to drive (don’t even get me started on this), you can control what you choose to do next. You can turn around and go home, change your clothes, brew another cup of coffee, or stop by a Starbucks and then decide from there that your day has a fresh start and that you’ll be positive and happy. You can choose to have a restart or a “this day sucks” attitude and complain to every person you know about “why bad things happen to good people”. The choice is yours.

Unfortunate things happen all day every day – you get sick, your kid gets sick, your parent gets diagnosed with a serious illness, your car breaks down, you lose your job, your wife tell you she wants a divorce, you break your leg, and the list goes on and on. I used to be someone who let every little minor (and major) inconvenience or bad outcome of a situation outside of my control ruin my day and my mood. I wasted many days blaming my reactions, mood, and mindset on other people and situations. In an unpredictable world, we need to focus on what we can control and choosing to see the positive side of it. How do we do that?

You need to look at your environment. Who and what you constantly surround yourself with makes a tremendous difference. If you surround yourself with negative people and people who have toxic habits and lifestyles, that is going to rub off on you. Instead, surround yourself with positivity, health habits and lifestyles, and positive people who support you. Positive people experience unfortunate situations, too, but they still embrace the good in life. It’s an intentional choice.

Look at your life. Evaluate your environment, ask yourself some questions, and make changes where necessary.

  • Are you surrounded by people who support you in your goals and lifestyle?
  • Are you consuming content that makes you feel happy and positive?
  • Do you have goals that excite you?
  • Are you doing self-care practices daily?
  • What do you do in your free time?

Decide what you are passionate about and what is important to you and build your life around that. The good thing about discovering what you want is you are able to eliminate what you don’t want. I can tell you from personal experience if you have physical health goals, going out and drinking with your friends every weekend and eating out multiple times a week is DEFINITELY not supporting your goals.

Here are some great places to start:

  • Develop a morning and evening routine – Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning book is a great start! I read this over a year ago and I still implement the routines in this book.
  • Find accountability partners – people who support your goals, will give you grace, are judgment-free, and will hold you accountable
  • Unfollow accounts/people that do not align with who you want to be – in person or on social media
  • Limit interaction with people who don’t support your goals or lifestyle. Set hard boundaries with them and stick to those boundaries – you will receive what you are willing to accept!
  • Join a group filled with other people with the same vision and ambitions as you – there are so many great groups on Facebook filled with people ready to connect!

And, don’t worry, I’ve been there too. I never said it would be easy, but I know it’s worth it. Cue Miley Cyrus’ The Climb.

The choice is yours. What are you going to choose?


The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod – you can also follow Hal on Instagram at hal_elrod
Miley Cyrus – The Climb

17 responses

  1. Debbie Roberts Avatar
    Debbie Roberts

    Very good thoughts Allie!
    Things to ponder and work on.

  2. JJ Avatar

    Love this. Today was actually one of those days where my morning got off to the wrong start and I ended up letting it spiral my mood. I missed the gym this morning and it threw my whole day off. Being more self aware of these choices and situations is huge and something I want to make more of a conscious effort to improve. Needed this one today!

    1. Allie Avatar

      Glad it was what you needed 🖤

  3. Kyha Kelley Avatar
    Kyha Kelley

    I used to have a short fuse and every little thing upset me! I have been working on focusing on what I can control so I loved reading this!

    1. Allie Avatar

      Me too! It used to be very detrimental to my mindset and mental health. Glad it resonated with you!

  4. Risa Castro Avatar
    Risa Castro

    The choice really is ours. Very powerful words! And definitely needed to hear this today so thank you for writing and posting this! I know I’ll be thinking about this when I need to turn my thoughts around!

    1. Allie Avatar

      So glad it hit home with you 💜

  5. Corey Avatar

    It’s interesting to think about the power of the “reset”. Whether it’s going back home to change after you spilled coffee on your shirt or deciding to change your health or anything. It’s something that probably needs to be utilized more.

    1. Allie Avatar

      Yes! I’ve gotten better about the reset but there is always room for improvement.

  6. Racquel Hiben Avatar
    Racquel Hiben

    Great reminder to not let yourself be a victim of your circumstances and the power of your mind! Thank you for the tips!

  7. Cassie Roberts Avatar
    Cassie Roberts

    Great reminder that attitude is everything! I agree that your environment has a huge impact on your attitude and mental health.

    Recently I have been working on incorporating things into my weekly schedule for self care that align with my values.

    Attending a weekly women’s Bible study, getting back into lifting weights, and going to my favorite workout studio are all important for my well being. Being a busy mom, I realize that I need to make time for myself so that I can be the best version of myself for my family. 😀

    I have always loved the saying “Stay close to people who feel like sunshine.” ☀️❤️

    1. Allie Avatar

      So so proud of you for doing things you love while being a busy mom of 4. You’re an inspiration ☀️

  8. Kathryn D Avatar
    Kathryn D

    Allie I’m excited to follow you. Life is too short to let others bring you down. Your right about who you surround yourself. I’m going to hang out with you! Much success!

    1. Allie Avatar

      Would love if you did 💜 Thanks Kathy!

  9. Allison Wilson Avatar
    Allison Wilson

    💯 on all points. It’s so easy to jump on the pitty party but you choose your path! Thanks for sharing Allie! Positive people + Positive mindset = fulfilling life! ❤️ Excited for you & to read more….oh and check out that book!

    1. Allie Avatar

      Thank you! Let me know if you read the book and what you think!