Have you ever completed a workout and felt like you didn’t go hard enough or do good enough? Been there! I actually felt like this yesterday. Ever been so afraid to start something new you were passionate about because you were afraid you’d suck in the beginning and didn’t want to fail in front of the world? Yep — me too! I have put off starting my own business and blog because for years because of these reasons.
The cold hard truth is whenever you do something new it is scary, you will suck in the beginning, and it’s going to be hard. You are going to fail over and over again and people will make fun of you and judge you. But you know what? People are going to judge you regardless, so you might as well do what you love, right?! You need to get over yourself and out of your own way. And guess what? Even if what you are doing isn’t perfect, you could succeed anyway.
Whenever I post a video on social media, it feels so awkward, and I feel like out of all the stories and reels I watch that mine is BY FAR the worst out there (and it truly might be). But… WAIT A MINUTE! At least I’m posting, putting content out there that is true and real to me — content that will help other people. Most people sit on the sidelines and never pursue anything they love. They keep playing small because they’re worried they will stumble or fall, and people will judge them. Dude, those aren’t your people! LET THEM JUDGE YOU! LET THEM LAUGH AT YOU! LET THEM GOSSIP! Your people are the people that are supportive and love you anyway regardless of your success/failure ratio. These people? These are your people! You can’t be for everyone, so why even try?
Starting my own business is a great example. ALL of my reps are messy. This blog post, my last blog post, all of my social media posts — they are ALL messy. There are probably hundreds of people that think I suck at this. That’s ok. I’m doing what I love; it’s hard, but I’m learning and I’m doing my best — with where I’m at right now and not worrying about being perfect. Just out there putting my messy reps in. If what I say resonates with ONE person, it will be worth it to me. And I know it will get easier.
If you need permission to suck and have messy reps, let this be your permission! Go do hard and new things that give you passion and joy and allow yourself to be a beginner. Don’t listen to people that don’t support and love you — these are not your people, remember? The world needs your creativity, joy, and passions. The only thing worse than messy reps are no reps. Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!
What are you going to pursue that you’ve been putting off because you’re afraid of being a beginner?
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